Removing gel polish from your nails is easy and it doesn’t require too much effort. What you just need is the BLUESKY Remove & Revive Kit. Everything you need to have on hand is there. Follow the steps below:
  1. Lightly buff off the shine from the top of nails using a nail buffer.
  2. Take a Removal Wrap and open it. Place your nail inside and wrap the packaging around your finger. Repeat the process for all your nails and leave them for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Slide the Removal Wraps off and gently scrape the gel off with an orangewood stick.
  4. Tidy up with your buffer any gel polish remaining.
  5. Wipe away any debris with a BLUESKY Cleanser Wipe.
  6. Following that, get ready to prepare your nails for your next manicure. File your nails to the desired shape.
  7. Nourish with Cuticle Oil and you are all set!
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Bluesky Nail
Tagged: Kit Nails Remove